433 research outputs found

    Anthropology and business: reflections on the business applications of cultural anthropology.

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    Today's business have international and intercultural dimensions. The complexity of market, organizational climate and culture and the management of human resources demand interdisciplinary and intercultural approach which are available in anthropological researches and methods. The consumer world has its own developments, diversifications and psycho-cultural fermentation. These changes pose new challenges for the designers and suppliers of products, services, systems and processes. Many changes in the economic and social spheres are beyond the range of conventional number-led, straight-line anaysis and planning. Rapid discontinuous changes defy all straight-line forecasting and conventional plannings. Qualitative and open-ended researches, scenario planning and brainstorming sessions, which skilled anthropologists are able to provide, are necessary to face such challenges.

    Controles prenatales y puntaje de apgar menor de 7 como factores determinantes de sepsis neonatal temprana. hospital nacional dos de mayo. 2014

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    Determinar si los controles prenatales < 6 o el puntaje de Apgar < 7 son factores de riesgo para sepsis neonatal temprana en el Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo en el año 2014. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio analítico, retrospectivo, longitudinal y observacional de casos y controles en 136 recién nacidos atendidos en el servicio de neonatología del Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo período 2014 divididos en 2 grupos: 34 neonatos con el diagnóstico de sepsis neonatal temprana y 102 sin la patología. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó la prueba de Chi Cuadrado y se consideró asociación estadística a un valor p < 0.05 con el Odds Ratio como estadígrafo, utilizando el paquete estadístico SPSS 22.0. Resultados: La proporción de neonatos con menos de 6 controles prenatales fue mayor en el grupo de pacientes con sepsis con 50% en comparación al grupo control con 21.6% (p = 0.002, OR = 3.636). La proporción de neonatos con puntaje de Apgar menor de 7 a los 5 minutos fue mayor en el grupo de paciente con sepsis con un 14.7% en comparación al grupo control con 2.9% (p = 0.023; OR = 5.69). Conclusiones: La presencia de menos de 6 controles prenatales durante la gestación, así como el puntaje de Apgar menor a 7 a los 5 minutos, son factores de riesgo para sepsis neonatal temprana.To determine whether less than 6 prenatal care controls or Apgar score lower than 7 are risk factors for early-onset neonatal sepsis in Dos de Mayo National Hospital in 2014. Materials and Methods: An analytical retrospective, longitudinal, observational case- control study was conducted on 136 newborns treated in Dos de Mayo National Hospital in 2014 divided into 2 groups: 34 newborns with a diagnosis of early-onset neonatal sepsis and 102 without it. For statistical analysis we used the chi square test and was considered a statistical association p value < 0.05 with Odds Ratio as the study statistician, using SPSS 22.0 statistical software. Results: The proportion of newborns with less than 6 prenatal care controls was higher in the group of patients with sepsis with 50 % compared to the control group with 21.6 % (p = 0.002, OR = 3.636). The proportion of newborns with Apgar score less than 7 at 5 minutes was higher in the group of patients with sepsis with 14.7 % compared to the control group with 2.9 % (p = 0.023 ; OR = 5.69). Conclusions: The presence of less than 6 prenatal care controls during pregnancy and the Apgar score less than 7 at 5 minutes, are risk factors for early-onset neonatal sepsis.Tesi

    Regulation of Marginal Zone B-Cell Differentiation by MicroRNA-146a.

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    B-cell development in the bone marrow is followed by specification into functional subsets in the spleen, including marginal zone (MZ) B-cells. MZ B-cells are classically characterized by T-independent antigenic responses and require the elaboration of distinct gene expression programs for development. Given their role in gene regulation, it is not surprising that microRNAs are important factors in B-cell development. Recent work demonstrated that deficiency of the NFκB feedback regulator, miR-146a, led to a range of hematopoietic phenotypes, but B-cell phenotypes have not been extensively characterized. Here, we found that miR-146a-deficient mice demonstrate a reduction in MZ B-cells, likely from a developmental block. Utilizing high-throughput sequencing and comparative analysis of developmental stage-specific transcriptomes, we determined that MZ cell differentiation was impaired due to decreases in Notch2 signaling. Our studies reveal miR-146a-dependent B-cell phenotypes and highlight the complex role of miR-146a in the hematopoietic system

    Variation on fruit production of Nectandra megapotamica (Lauraceae) trees on the edge and interior of a semideciduous forest – a case study

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    Disturbance is a key factor determining the patterns of occurrence and reproduction of plant species on forests. We compared the edge and interior of a 400 ha remnant and those with the edges and interior of a 35 ha forest remnant of semideciduous forest on South Brazil (Santa Maria Municipality, Rio Grande do Sul) regarding the fruit production (number and size fruits) of trees of Nectandra megapotamica (Lauraceae) as a case study to test if edge affects the phenology of a canopy tree. We have discussed the results taking into account the light incidence and the density of trees in the forest edge and interior. Trees on the edge of the 400 ha remnant produced more fruits than those in the interior, and a significantly higher number of fruits than those in the interior of the 35 ha remnant. Trees in the interior of the 400 ha remnant occurred in higher density and, even receiving less incident light, produced more fruits than those in the interior of the 35 ha remnant. In the forest remnants studied, light may affect fruit production although not in the direct proportion of the amount of light available, as reinforced by the fact that we not have found Nectandra trees on the edges of the 35ha remnant. The tree density appears as an important variable influencing the fruit production mainly on the interior of the better preserved forest remnant, outperforming the advantage attained by the higher light incidence observed in the edge

    Electrospinning Technology: Designing Nanofibers toward Wound Healing Application

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    Electrospinning is a widely used technology to obtain nanofibers. Electrospun systems have been especially investigated for wound dressings in skin regeneration given the similarity of structures with the extracellular matrix. Several efforts have been made to combine distinct design strategies, such as utilizing synthetic and/or natural materials, modifying fiber orientation, and incorporating substances, e.g., drugs, peptides, growth factors or other biomolecules, to develop an optimized electrospun wound dressing. This chapter reviews the current advances in electrospinning strategies for skin regeneration


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    Neste trabalho, foram confeccionadas chapas aglomeradas, utilizando gesso como material cimentante e papel reciclável dissociado (jornal e offset) e partículas de madeira de pinus como reforços. Em todos os tratamentos, a razão madeira (ou fibras) para gesso foi mantida em 0,25 (base seca) e duas dosagens de água (w) foram empregadas: 0,4 e 0,8, correspondendo à razão água:gesso. As chapas foram prensadas a frio em prensa de laboratório, em um processo similar à produção de chapas aglomeradas convencionais. Após condicionadas em câmara climatizada, as chapas foram testadas em flexão estática, dureza, arrancamento de parafusos, absorção d’água e inchamento em espessura. Em geral, a adição de fibras causou melhoria nas propriedades das chapas. Diferenças estatísticas significativas em relação à testemunha (gesso puro) foram encontradas para resistência à flexão estática (MOR), dureza e arrancamento de parafusos em relação a alguns dos tratamentos estudados. Já a inclusão de fibras de papel reciclável, com w = 0,4, não apresentou diferenças significativas em relação à testemunha para absorção d’água e inchamento em espessura. Os melhores resultados foram encontrados com papel jornal, com um coeficiente w = 0,4

    Methods of overcoming dormancy in seeds and initial development of Black Wattle

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    The objective of this work was to analyze the efficacy of different methods of dormancy break in seeds of Acacia mearnsii De Wild. The work was performed at the UFSM Botany Lab and Forest Nursery, in Frederico Westphalen, RS. The treatments were: (T1) control; (T2) immersion in hot water (90 °C) for 5 minutes, followed by rest; (T3) immersion in hot water (90 °C) for 10 minutes, followed by rest; (T4) chemical scarification with concentrated sulfuric acid for 3 minutes, followed by washing under running water; (T5) chiseling with concentrated sulfuric acid for 5 minutes, followed by washing under running water. The seeds were sown in plastic trays with Oxisol and vermiculite. The results were submitted to analysis of variance and data were differentiated by Test t with 5% of probability. The most efficient treatment to overcome dormancy was T2, presenting 81.29% of germinated seeds and IVG of 18.23 days for germination. This treatment was also the best for the variables of physical vigor and best performing root length and aerial part, and did not differ from improved treatments for diameter and green mass weight

    Itinerarios alternativos: Baleares, Ceuta, Melilla y Canarias

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    Este artículo trata de la llegada del cinematógrafo a lugares como Canarias, Ceuta, Melilla y Baleares que, por sus especiales características geográficas, acogieron las primeras experiencias relacionadas con el cine de manera diferente a como se hizo en la Península. En las Baleares destaca la actividad de algunos fotógrafos como Truyol y Bonanova que realizaron rodajes en fechas relativamente tempranas. Sobre Ceuta y Melilla queda todavía mucho por investigar. De momento, lo que aquí se presenta es una ordenación de los escasos datos conocidos hasta ahora. En cuanto a Canarias, conviene subrayar la localización de una de las primeras filmaciones hechas en el país (noviembre de 1896) por Vicent Billard, un operador de la casa Lumière

    SpectroCube: a European 6U nanosatellite spectroscopy platform for astrobiology and astrochemistry

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    SpectroCube is a CubeSat-based miniaturized in-situ space exposure platform for astrochemistry and astrobiology research. Within a 6 unit (6U, with 1U corresponding to 10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm) nanosatellite structure, an infrared spectrometer is interfaced with a sample handling system to measure photochemical changes of organic molecules, representing important biomarkers for the detection of life in our solar system and beyond. Monitoring degradation profiles and photochemical reaction kinetics of such biomarkers allows to identify suitable search targets for current and future planetary exploration and life-detection missions. SpectroCube is designed to be launched into a highly elliptical orbit around Earth and therefore allows to expose samples to higher solar UV and energetic particle radiation levels than previous exposure platforms in low Earth orbit, as for example on the International Space Station. In-situ data will be telemetered back to Earth and compared with solar and planetary simulation experiments in ground-based laboratory. We here present the design of SpectroCube, the scientific payload and its subsystems. We demonstrate that with the miniaturisation potential of infrared spectroscopy it is possible to fit the entire optical setup plus a sample handling system for up to 60 individually contained and hermetically sealed samples within less than half of the volume of a 6U CubeSat structure. Therefore, the remaining volume can be entirely used for additional subsystems such as attitude control, propulsion, fuel, onboard computer and telemetry. The design of the scientific payload is based on a commercial off-the-shelf miniaturised Fourier-transform spectrometer consisting of an infrared light source, an interferometer and infrared detector units. The mechanical robustness and suitability of such a system for space applications was assessed. Shock and vibration testing of the mechanically most sensitive unit, the interferometer, was performed and revealed that with adequate damping the spectroscopic performance can be maintained. Additional measurements of test samples conducted with the selected commercial off-the-shelf spectrometer candidate showed that the spectroscopic range, resolution and sensitivity is capable to monitor in situ the photochemical kinetics of important classes of organic molecules and biomarkers for astrobiology and astrochemistry research


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    A sociedade é caracterizada como da informação e dos meios tecnológicos de comunicação pelo amplo uso que deles nas mais diversas atividades sejam voltadas para entretenimento, educação, trabalho ou outras. Profissionais são necessários para desenvolver essas soluções de tecnologias e saber utilizá-las, em decorrência o seu amplo uso, passa a ser um requisito básico para a grande maioria das profissões. Nesse contexto, um indivíduo com conhecimento de uso de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) pode mais facilmente ocupar postos de trabalho, adquirir conhecimento e informar-se de acontecimentos. A inclusão digital favorece a inclusão social à medida que oportuniza auxílio na capacitação profissional e pessoal. Um computador (desktop, notebook, tablet, smartphone e outros) com acesso à internet possibilitam acesso aos mais diversos conteúdos para essa capacitação. O custo ainda é uma grande dificuldade para que as pessoas possam adquirir recursos de TICs. Em termos de software há alternativas denominadas software livre e gratuito para os mais diversos tipos de sistemas computacionais. Para facilitar o acesso ao hardware (ao computador), o Departamento Acadêmico de Informática (DAINF) da UTFPR Câmpus Pato Branco desenvolve um projeto para recompor computadores considerados inviáveis economicamente por pessoas físicas e jurídicas e instituições. Essa atividade de recomposição é o objetivo principal deste trabalho. A metodologia de trabalho é coletar equipamentos em desuso de empresas, pessoas físicas e da própria Universidade, recompor esses equipamentos e encaminhá-los para entidades assistenciais e escolas públicas. Esses equipamentos, doados para instituições de ensino e assistenciais públicas, permitem que mais pessoas possam ter acesso à informação e capacitar-se no uso de tecnologias, além de prover sobrevida aos equipamentos descartados por obsolescência tecnológica ou defeitos (possuindo peças que podem ser reaproveitadas). O projeto também provê o adequado descarte o lixo tecnológico gerado da realização da atividade de recomposição